registration form

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

You will receive now an e-mail with the Instructions on how to access the E-Learning Course and start it!

Thanks for your registration

If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, send an email with your details (Name, Age, Country) to

Learn more about the subjects studied

Click on the following button


evaluation test

After completing the E-Learning Course, you are kindly requested to fill in this Evaluation Test in order to assess the final competences of what you have learnt and then sends an e-mail to the contact expert of your country informing her/him that you have performed the test, this in order to receive the Attendance Certificate.



Plese click on the button (make the evaluation test) and run the test.

E-Learning Evaluation TEST.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 330.5 KB