


ProWomen association will implement an effective strategy to increase the skills of the "mothers entrepreneurs" this target group who want to combine work and family life, innovating and bringing solutions for the development of home business, and implementing a training program that gives the target group basic and transversal skills that they needed to promote entrepreneurship, linguistic diversity and intercultural knowledge of the EU.




The specific objectives are those that will allow the participants and the potential entrepreneurs appropriate methodologies and tools of work in order to achieve an occupation at home, through the creation of qualified figures.


1-Develop personal qualities and skills, which are the base of a business mindset and behavior.


2-To Sensitize participants on the subject of self-employment and entrepreneurship as possible career options.


3-Provide basic skills and knowledge of a specific business to start and run a home-based business.


4-To provide the necessary transversal skills: interpersonal, problem solving, entrepreneurship, digital and language, etc. to transform knowledge into an efficient working behavior.